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Airush Converse v12 Custom Epoxy 2019 DISPLAY

€499.00 EUR €1,022.00 EUR
5'11" x 18.75"

*The board is in good conditions.

  • Dedicated down-the-line shape.
  • High rocker design for maximum snap.
  • Narrow width for maximum control.

The Converse is our dedicated down-the-line shape, developed without compromise to destroy any wave you put in front of it.

The high tail rocker works together with the three-quarter hip section and the rounded pin tail to maximize maneuverability, enabling massive off-the-top snaps and tight, driving bottom turns. The higher entry rocker through the nose enables the Converse to fit vertically into the steepest wave section.

When driving off the bottom or setting up for a more powerful full rail top turn, the narrower nose width pulls the nose around just when you need it.

As the longest of the Airush surf range, the additional rail length enhances stability at speed, making the Converse ideal for bigger down-the-line waves, while the narrower width also suits high wind conditions.

5’11” (181cm) | 18” (46cm) | 2” (5.1cm) | 22L

5’11” (181cm) | 18.75” (47.6cm) | 2.1” (5.3cm) | 25.9L

Comes with fins and pads.