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Airush Session V2

€1,209.00 EUR




Version 2

Versatile surf, strapless & performance freeride.

Perfect drift, agile turning & effortless boosting capability.

v3 Pulley Bridle for maximum depower & wind range.

Available Sizes: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14m


The Session is for the rider wanting a versatile surf orientated kite, with performance strapless and freeride capabilities, all in a single package. The unique canopy shaping features a relatively fine entry, which allows the kite to fly forward in the window when required. While the sheeting angle, aspect ratio, and large wing tips create a kite that can pivot on a dime and drift deep into the window when you need it to. V3.1 Bridles ensure a huge wind range and keep the kite steering as you are sheeting out, ideal for powerful carving transitions, wave top turns, or strapless riding. All of this translates into perfect drift, agile turning, and effortless boosting.


Versatile surf, strapless & performance freeride.